Galerie Kornfeld – New Exhibtions

Galerie Kornfeld – New Exhibtions

TAMMAM AZZAM: Temporary Title

The exhibition “Temporary Title” shows new works by the Syrian artist Tammam Azzam, who lives in Berlin. Guided by a universal humanity, his pictorial collages find an artistic expression for the incessant suffering people experience through unexpected attacks or wars by tyrannical rulers in the past, present and future. Creativity in the midst of fragmentation. 

Exhibition: 18 November 2023 – 6 January 2024, Tue–Sat, 11am – 6pm
KORNFELD Galerie Berlin, Fasanenstr. 26, D-10719 Berlin


PHILIP GRÖZINGER & STEFAN RINCK: Die Handtasche muss lebendig sein

Curated by Peter Ungeheuer 

The exhibition “Die Handtasche muss lebendig sein” brings together for the first time Philip Grözinger’s pictorial representations of colourful, imaginary worlds populated by extraordinary figures and creatures in dialogue with Stefan Rinck’s humorous sculptures in stone, which become mythical creatures, monsters and animals with grimaces. Curated by Peter Ungeheuer, the first double exhibition by Stefan Rinck and Philip Grözinger is a collaboration in the literal sense of the word, because works created for this purpose will be shown for the most part, including the joint work “Lonely tunes” pictured above.

Exhibition: 18 November 2023 – 6 January 2024, Tue–Sat, 11am – 6pm
68projects, Fasanenstr. 68, D-10719 Berlin




Franziska Klotz’s works are “windows into our world: they capture our gaze with painterly magic, but we see through them to the things that really concern us.”

Björn Vedder

Viewing by appointment via KORNFELD
69salon by KORNFELD, Fasanenstr. 69, D-10719 Berlin


Header Image: TAMMAM AZZAM: Temporary Title


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