September Issues


Dear Reader, it was a steamy hot weekend, full of joy, great food and plenty of inspiration, but no place to put into. I had a technical issue with Nigel, the super brain mac; now back on my desk, I selected a few visual impressions for the last summer days to come. The B’SPOQUE magazine presents a curated exhibition with two artists! Meet JR Korpa and Pawel Szvmanski—some might already heard of him, or seen in him in numerous publications— in our latest pre-fall edit 2019.


Where neon lights meet the pavement's beat,
Lies a tale of sorrow, whispered in the dust,
Of dreams once cherished, now crumbled to rust.
Beneath the glitz and glamour's guise,
Lurks the melancholy that never dies,
In the alleys where shadows dance,
And broken hearts yearn for another chance.
Amidst the palm trees and smog-filled air,
Echoes of lost hopes linger with despair,
For every star that shines so bright,
There's a soul consumed by endless night.


The city's pulse, 
a rhythm bittersweet,
Where dreams are shattered
by a stranger on the street,

pawel svzmanski

In the grit and grime, 
lies beauty untold,
Yet beneath the surface, 
lies a heart grown cold.
For fame and fortune come at a cost, 
In a city where innocence is often lost, 
Where the glimmer of success fades away, 
Leaving behind the echoes of yesterday.
So let us mourn for the souls who roam, 
In search of solace, in a city of stone, 
Where the dirt of love tells tales untold, 
Of broken dreams and hearts grown old.

Discover the Profile of JR Korpa here.
More about Pawel Svzmanski here.

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