Open Studio Day @ Culterim | Studios

Open Studio Day @ Culterim | Studios

The culterim gallery invites art seekers and other interested visitors to discover the studios at the Herzbergstraße in Berlin-Lichtenberg.

Dear Reader, we warmly invite you to our open studio day in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Several artists of our studios at Culterim | Herzbergstraße will give you insights into their current works and will be there for conversation and dialogue.

A former workers‘ house in Herzbergstraße 125-126 in Berlin-Lichtenberg got transformed into a studio house. With our Culterim | Studio program, we have created studio and working space for a total of 51 artists and cultural workers, who are allowed to use the space for their artistic development until the start of the building project.

Open Studio Day

Opening days:
25 May – 4pm – 10pm

Culterim | Herzbergstraße
Herzbergstraße 125-126,
10365 Berlin
Near Dong Xuan Center

Curated by:

the artists individually

With artworks by: 

Yu Lu, Arin Ismail, Sally Craven, Anita Popović, Mar Ripoll, Gabriele Diversi, Giuseppe Fontana, Jac Carley, Jean-Sandro Pagnanelli, MIK NIM, Daria Lou, Nakov, Dane Pollok, Shade du Plessis, Dasha Buben, Josephine Garbe, Sergio Hernandez, Bernal, Ilja Freer, Rotem Ritov, Alberto Barcia, Kim Redetzky, Nina Plášková, Sean Robinson, Sabine Kelka, Valeria Romandia, Elisa Pastora, Dora Behm, Marta Masternak & Lale Willan.

About the gallery:

Culterim Gallery provides a platform for artists participating in Culterim’s cultural interim use concept. Although studio and exhibition space is a critical issue and rare, especially for emerging talented artists, we are faced with vacancies nationwide. Culterim’s concept addresses this disparity by creating temporary residencies, studios and exhibition spaces in otherwise unused venues.

The works created or exhibited as part of our concept are presented to the public in exhibitions and digitally here on our online art market and offered for sale. Our aim is to support emerging artists by providing studio and exhibition space and to connect them with people interested in art. By choosing to purchase one of our artworks, you are also choosing to support an urban/social agenda – 70% to the artist, 25% to the creation of space for art and culture and 5% to the non-profit Culterim Stipendium e. V.

Are you an artist and would like to participate in our concepts? Please contact us and we will discuss the next steps in detail.

Copyright (C) 2024 Culterim GmbH. All rights reserved.



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Images: 1.&4.: Google DeepMind, 2. Debashis RC Biswas & 3. © Caroline Kynast


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