
Congrats to Agnes Questionmark on her selection for the main program of the 60th Venice Biennale, “Foreigners Everywhere,” curated by Adriano Pedrosa.

Questionmark (b. 1995 in Rome, Italy) uses performance, installation, and sculpture to bring the viewer on a journey toward its root, questioning their genesis and presenting uncertain future potentialities of becoming. Her solo show, OB/GYN, is currently on view at the KÖNIG GALERIE pop-up space in Milan (STXDYOZ), until 4 February 2024. Questionmark will present her second solo exhibition with the gallery at the newly opened KÖNIG TELEGRAPHENAMT during Gallery Weekend Berlin 2024. The opening will be accompanied by a series of performances.





KÖNIG GALERIE Opens New Space in Mexico City

Situated in the heart of La Condesa, considered one of Mexico City’s creative hubs, the gallery comprises various exhibition spaces on two floors, including a garden. In addition to its rotating exhibition program, the new venue will also host artist residencies. According to Dr. Krawinkel, “Solo and group shows, artist talks, performances, and community events will enrich the gallery’s calendar throughout the year. We already work closely with artists based in Mexico and want to expand our engagement with the country’s cultural landscape in the future.”

Dr. Corina Krawinkel © Image by KÖNIG GALERIE 

KÖNIG MEXICO CITY’s program will present solo shows by emerging as well as established artists from inside and outside the gallery’s roster, alongside group exhibitions. The new gallery will deepen relationships with the local art scene, establishing an innovative space for contemporary art for collectors, curators, artists, and the public alike. Mexico City has become one of the thriving centers for contemporary art and KÖNIG MEXICO CITY will contribute with interdisciplinary and concept-oriented artistic positions.

The inaugural group show, SURREAL SURROUNDINGS, curated by Dr. Krawinkel, encompasses works by KÖNIG artists, some of them on view for the first time in Mexico, paired with Mexican artists, showcasing for the first time at the gallery. The exhibition opens on February 6 and will take place during “Mexico City Art Week”. A highlight of the opening will be a live painting performance by the Japanese artist, Ayako Rokkaku, one of KÖNIG GALERIE’s leading painters, whose painting performances take place over a few days, inviting visitors to the gallery to witness live the realization of a single work.

Alexandrinenstr. 118–121
10969 Berlin


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