Ricard Larsson – Nuclear Black


The exhibition “Nuclear Black” includes new oil paintings on paper by Ricard Larsson from the year 2023. The works are mainly graphic. One gets the impression that it is easy for Ricard Larsson to basically use the 3-dimensionality of the dark black colored wax, from which he draws his sculptures into space, to continue in the 2-dimensionality of the canvas or handmade paper with ink, oil paint, black acrylic paint.

40 Years Art

Black and white painting of five spiky headed figures holding a radio active sign in their hands.

The themes are, of course, the same that have driven Ricard Larsson for 40 years. People who kill each other for meaningless trifles, people who heroically let their idea triumph over the death of others, the omnipresence of brute force that makes more sense to simple-minds than love and affection. Nothing new under the black sun of hatred in this world, one could say, nothing unknown – known, old known, always the same idiotic murders, always the same idiots. Ricard Larsson describes the greatest achievement and the greatest failure of culture: to control the aggression instinct.

Ricard Larsson – Nuclear Black

Apr 19th – May 10th

Tuesday Apr 18th, 5 – 9 pm
Exhibition DuratioN:
April 19th to May 10th
Köthener Strasse 28
10963 Berlin

Text von Verena Kerfin. Find out More about the exhibition here.


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