CLOUD SEEDING by Yinon Avior Philipsohn at the Galerie-P6



For the exhibition CLOUD SEEDING, Philipsohn presents a selection of these memory-based constellations alongside other photographical experiments. We find that in every form.

Philipsohn’s artistic practice is based on his intuition and natural human curiosity. Although the chrysalis of his work is very organic in terms of materials, it is always carefully based in research and developed conceptually.

a coalescence of experiences

Autobiographical elements such as his queer identity and his Jewish heritage, conflicts and seemingly impossible cooperation, stand at the base of his work and characterize it. By relying on personal aesthetics and by delving into interactions with objects, people and places, his work aims to reach a certain visual accuracy as defined by his mind.

Frustrated by his own memory loss and overwhelmed by the amount of visual content that he produces; he decided to stack several events on top of each other and file them in groups. The idea was to make a sort of time-capsule that unfolds simultaneous events. And then, for example, a picture of a park in Los Angeles is printed on top of portrait of someone he had sex with and a tattooed hand of another man – as we see in his work “Hollywood”. ‘I see much more than trees. I see trees, a sexual encounter, and another sexual encounter – at once’, Philipsohn states- a coalescence of experiences.

A beautiful force of nature emerges

What started as an idea, or in this case some type of solution, became a language. The “filing” of this language can be based on aesthetic decisions like compositions and colour scales of photos. For the past 8 years, the artist has been developing this unique technique that combines his photographic work with his sculptural: the result is intricately hand-sewn and plastic-coated inkjet prints. These marvelous works emerge as quilt-like artefacts that fuse several moments into one and create new autobiographical amalgamations of memory.

For CLOUD SEEDING, Philipsohn presents a selection of these memory-based constellations alongside other photographical experiments. We find that in every form. Art involves creating something or an experience that otherwise would not exist without human intervention. If in lieu of creating chaos, then trying to control it. And almost, as if its own entity, it evolves.
Despite the intention, one simply can’t predict the weather, no matter how many factors have been instilled to do so, and a beautiful force of nature emerges.

Ausstellung: CLOUD SEEDING by Yinon Avior Philipsohn

09.12.24 – 07.03.25
Galerie-P6-Berlin /Artsy
More Information

Featured Image: Yinon Avior Philipsohn, 'Hollywood', Hand sewn plastic coated inkjet prints, 118 cm x 83 cm, 2020.
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