Charlie – Spacewoman Remixed via Wrong Era

Following her iconic and genre-defying EP ‘Spacewoman’, Charlie has joined forces with Italo heavyweight David Vunk. She also collaborated with prolific label head Franz Scala for two remixes of her singles, “Let Go” and “Spacewoman.” 

Moustache Records founder and renowned dancefloor igniter David Vunk brings his infectious energy to “Let Go,” showcasing tight, sophisticated instrumentation and a bassline that leaps through the track. 

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Meanwhile, Franz Scala’s reimagining of “Spacewoman” features his unmistakable arpeggios and driving bass, infused with a refreshing take on emotive nostalgia. Filled with his gifts for creating harmonious, acidic soundscapes Scala takes the original to a smoke filled dancefloor.

Tying up the release in style, Vunk and Scala take these two captivating singles to new heights. ‘ 

Radondo, Berlin 2024

Let Go (David Vunk Remix)Charlie5:33
Spacewoman (Franz Scala Remix)Charlie7:31

Release Date : December 19th, 2024
Label: Slowmotionrecords
Catalog Number WE014R


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