GOOD LUCK: A solo exhibition by Ju Schnee

GOOD LUCK: A solo exhibition by Ju Schnee

Die Better Go South Gallery lädt zur Vernissage von GOOD Luck der Ausstellung von Ju Schnee in Berlin Mitte und zur Finissage von GOAT in Stuttgart ein.

A special highlight of the upcoming solo exhibition by Ju Schnee is a series of 54 wooden panels painted with acrylic and oil paints, which together form a complete deck of cards. Each of the painted wooden panels represents a unique card that has been reinterpreted by Ju Schnee in her own style – from the three of hearts to a creative reinterpretation of the joker. Her latest exhibition will be presented at the Better Go South in Berlin Mitte.

Thursday, 04.07. | 6:00 – 10:00 PM
On view 04.07. – 01.08.24

Brunnenstrasse 25b | 10119 Berlin


Ju Schnee

b. 1992, AustriaLives and works in Vienna (A)

Ju Schnee, an ultracontemporary artistcurrently living in Vienna, was born in Graz and lived in Berlin for the past five years. Primarily delving into oil paintings, Ju Schnee seamlessly integrates the realm of Augmented Reality (AR) into her artistry. Her oeuvre serves as an experimental canvas, exploring the synergies between traditional mediums and cutting-edge technologies. Her fascination with AR, artificial intelligence (AI), and other emergent technologies drives her to push the boundaries of artistic expression. 

Ju Schnee, each 15 x 20 x 5 cm, Acrylic and oil on wooden panels.

While her artistic repertoire extends to encompass unique sculptures, the nucleus of her work perpetually revolves around abstract, intuitive forms, often evoking the essence of spirals. This central motif carries an enigmatic allure, inviting viewers into a realm where intuition and abstraction intertwine. Ju’s creative process is deeply rooted in her former career as a yoga teacher.

Her approach to art is steeped in spirituality, seamlessly weaving themes of introspection, mindfulness, and transcendence into her creations. Each piece resonates with an inherent spiritual essence, inviting observers to embark on a contemplative journey. She likes to play with the juxtaposition of the slowness of spiritual grounding and the pace of new tech.

In her fourth solo exhibition, the interdisciplinary artist focuses on the multifaceted theme of games and creates an impressive connection between traditional painting, sculpture and advanced augmented reality (AR). In collaboration with Better Go South, a space is created that effortlessly combines art and joy and is accessible and inspiring for both younger and older visitors. At the center of the exhibition are paintings that integrate various elements of board games, inviting viewers to discover their inner child and find a playful approach to art.


THE FINISSAGE OF G.O.A.T. – Greatest Of All Time

A solo exhibition by Toninho Dingl

Friday, 05.07. | 5:00 PM – end of game
On view 04.07. – 01.08.24

Furtbachstrasse 2b | 70178 Stuttgart

Copyright © 2023 BETTER GO SOUTH. All rights reserved.



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Images: 1.&4.: Google DeepMind, 2. Debashis RC Biswas & 3. © Caroline Kynast


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