Frontviews presents at roam: Humor my love, Humor

It is said that laughter is healthy. But in German there is also the expression, I laugh myself to death. Laughter is a coin with two sides. You flip it and it is up to fate which side it falls on. Joy or pain.

The laugher and the laughed at. Laughter is an experience and, in the purest sense, something over which we have no real control. Laughter is something universal. Last but not least: Laughter is power, and laughter releases happiness hormones. So when two people who hold very different views meet, laughing together can literally create a connection, at least lowering the high hurdle of rejection in the experience of common ground.

Wars, doomsday moods, despots. 

In the so-called free Western world, including Germany, money and freedom are increasingly being cut from the arts. Politicians on the right-wing fringes of society are now openly questioning the meaning of art and culture for so-called ordinary people, what it achieves or fails to achieve, what relevance various cultural offerings may have in the everyday lives of the “working class”. 

Thorsten A. Kasper 

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Exhibit: Humor my love, Humor

Gökçen Dilek Acay, Ellen Akimoto, Johannes Albers, Barbara Breitenfellner, Florian Hesselbarth, Bretz/Holliger, Zohar Fraiman, Anja Fußbach, Stella Geppert, Alexei Gordin, TAK, Alana Lake, Kennet Lekko, Barbara Lüdde, Justina Los, Robin Ellis Meta, Claudia Pegel, Daniel Rossi, Alicia Valladares, Geerten Verheus

curated by Thorsten Kasper  
co-curated with Helene Boseckera cooperation between frontviews and roam projects at roam projects



Thu 12 Dec 6 – 9 pmX-mas Roamance ! The Julklapp
/ with a gift from the heart

Fri 20 Dec 5 – 9 pm
Julklapp, dices with an art twist and Glühwein

Wrap something small and clever from the heart – who knows, it might be art, and get the same heartfelt gift in return. Let´s roll the dice!


Fri 24 January 6 – 9 pm
with artists talk by Julia Meyer-Brehm and special guests
7:07 – 8:08 pm

Are you ready for one last smile before the lights go out and the exhibition closes? Then we have a wonderful gift for you. Artists of images and words come together. They shed a colourful light on the shadowy question of what humour is.

Duration: 12 Dec 2024 – 24 Jan 2025

Christmas Break

21 Dec 2024 – 8 Jan 2025
visits during Christmas Break
only on personal appointments here

Opening times

Thu – Sat 4 – 7 pm
and on personal appointments here

This project is profoundly supported by Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. It´s also made possible with the initiative of the whole collective.

roam projects
Lindenstraße 91
10969 Berlin

Entry at the back corner of the building facing W. Michael Blumenthal Akademie des Jüdischen Museums Berlin.

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