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Exhibition by Johanna-Maria Fritz

The photographs were taken in the first months of the war in the Kyiv region, in Irpin and Butscha. Since the beginning of November, Johanna has been traveling again to of Ukraine to document the consequences of the war, most recently in the Donbas and Kyiv. The exhibition will be displayed and open to the public at ARTCO Gallery in Aachen, as well as online.

„When the war in Ukraine started on 24.02.2022, I was still in Afghanistan. The news shocked me, of course, and I immediately thought about how and when I could travel to Ukraine. On Sunday, 27 February, I set off together with other journalists in the direction of Kyiv…”

Johanna-Maria Fritz


Opening of the photo exhibition “A Grave in the Garden”

Introduction by Dr. Dirk Tölke
17.01.2023, 18h, ARTCO Gallery, Seilgraben 31, 52062 Aachen, Germany

Film screening “Ruthenia. Cultural Code of Ukraine” & exchange with film director Antonina Gotfrid

UA with English subtitles – 2020
24.01.2023, 18h, Apollo Kino&Bar, Pontstraße 141 -149, 52062 Aachen – Entry: 7,50 €

Film screening “Mother of the Apostles”

Zaza Buadze – UA with English subtitles – 2020
03.02.2023, 18h, Apollo Kino&Bar, Pontstraße 141 -149, 52062 Aachen – Entry: 7,50 €

Talk Session “Colonialism. Lessons from the past”

presentation and talk session with Mariya Benovska, Ukrainians in Aachen e. V.
07.02.2023, 18h, ARTCO Gallery, Seilgraben 31, 52062 Aachen

Reading “The Yellow Prince”, Vasyl Barka in memory of Holodomor, the great starvation 1932-33

Anna Kysil, Ukrainians in Aachen e. V.
15.02.2023, 18h, ARTCO Gallery, Seilgraben 31, 52062 Aachen

17 January – 25 February 2023
opening Tuesday, 17 January, 18h
ARTCO Gallery Aachen

Text and Images via


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One response to “ARTCO: A GRAVE IN THE GARDEN”

  1. […] Fritz has had portraits of Taliban men woven into rugs. Made by the same girls whom the Islamists had forbidden to learn thus to hope. Supposed iconic imagery that illustrate the inhumanity of the current regime. In spring 2022, Fritz was also one of the first photojournalists in Ukraine, taking pictures in Butcha and the Donbas, among other places. Her work from the front proves that journalistic documentary can meet high aesthetic standards, that beauty can even accentuate the unimaginable. These images have become modern icons. […]

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